Tuesday, 27 December 2016
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Change of Masthead
When creating my magazine pages I felt like my masthead wasn't representing what I wanted it too. I felt like my audience could misinterpret the word for class as in classroom or social class. It wasn't a masthead that is symbolic for a classy magazine which my audience would be intrigued to buy.Therefore, I changed it to 'Classi' to make it more representative of a high quality classical magazine.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Institutions Research
Looking at institutions I found these three; Bauer,IPC Media and BBC. These are very popular institutions who publish well recognised music magazines.
This institiatuon publishes many different types of magazines from sports,fashion,hobbies and music. Bauer is the publisher of Kerrang a rock magazine. This magazine is aimed at commonly the older audience and typically men. The magazine is read by rock and heavy metal fans and people who are interested about new and famous rock artists. Bauer also publishes Q and Mojo who are read by around 14+. The artists that are commonly used in these magazine are pop,r&b and acoustic. They're popular to both the younger and older audience and are suitable for both genders.
IPC Media
IPC create tv,music and fashion magazines. They're audience is more of an older age as the artists that they advertise are older bands and single artists like 'Kings of Leon'. However, they do attract some of the younger audience with tour details and competitions.
BBC publishes 'Top of the Pops, which is aimed at younger audience aged around 8-12.The colours are much brighter and the pages are more crammed to be suitable for that age gap. The artists are usually pop and acoustic and they're all very familiar to the audience so the reader is interested in reading it. As the age gap is young they wouldn't be so intrigued in reading about a artist they didn't know.
For my class magazine, I believe the best institution is Bauer. Its a popular business which would get my magazine to a wide range of people but also my target audience. My audience which is 15-20 usually buy similar magazines published my Bauer already. As the magazines they already publish are suitable for this age gap and are intriguing due to them having a range of genres. However, Bauer are missing a classical music magazine They produce pop and rock magazines already but no successful classical ones. This is why Bauer would be the most effective institution, my magazine has similar techniques they already use and it gives them more of a rage of genres for the target audience.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Pull Quote Research- Moodboard
When creating my double-page spread, I found trying to create a pull quote hard. So, i researched different pull quotes and how other magazines use them. One way was to use a over exaggerated, dramatic quote from the artist for the title. Another way was use a quote for the standfirst to give a small insight to what the article is about and the last way is to text wrap a quote around the article. Through researching I decided I'm going to use two pull quotes as it intrigues the audience in to the article of the new artist. I will use a quote from the interview and write it across the image of the artist. It will be in a bold font and be highlighted with a colored box underneath it. I will also text wrap a quote in the middle of the article. The quotes I choose have to be exciting and represent the 'gossip' the artist is talking about in the article. I did realize through the research the pull quotes are usually secrets or gossip to intrigue the younger audience who are interested in finding out about the artist.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Research For My Magazine- Moodboard
When designing my magazine, I decided I wanted to create synergy between all my pages. Through research I believe Q magazines do this effectively by repeating the well recognized logo of the 'Q'. They repeat the same logo throughout all the pages and use the same colour red for font and underlining. I want to do this for my magazine pages but use a capital 'C' to represent the class magazine.
On the front page, the Q logo is the masthead and is what the reader recognizes when buying a music magazine. Its bold and clear, so I going to make the 'C' in the word class much bigger and bolder than the rest of word for my masthead. I will then copy the 'C' throughout my pages.
On the contents page, Q uses the red colour to highlight the page numbers and underline main artists and storys. They also use features like 'Q quiz' to make the magazine unique and more exclusive than any others.
The dps they commonly use a large letter behind the article in the same red to represent the artist and use hints of red throughout the pages. They always use the logo in the corner of the page next to the number.
I will use a similar technique to Q magazines to make my masthead symbolic and easily identifiable for my target audience to the rest of the magazines available.
On the front page, the Q logo is the masthead and is what the reader recognizes when buying a music magazine. Its bold and clear, so I going to make the 'C' in the word class much bigger and bolder than the rest of word for my masthead. I will then copy the 'C' throughout my pages.
On the contents page, Q uses the red colour to highlight the page numbers and underline main artists and storys. They also use features like 'Q quiz' to make the magazine unique and more exclusive than any others.
The dps they commonly use a large letter behind the article in the same red to represent the artist and use hints of red throughout the pages. They always use the logo in the corner of the page next to the number.
I will use a similar technique to Q magazines to make my masthead symbolic and easily identifiable for my target audience to the rest of the magazines available.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Contents Page Features
Researching contents page I've found out that these pages are very crammed full of features and direct information, they're is hardly any of the page that isn't covered. When creating my contents page I've found that there isn't enough features on my plan and that it's very simple compared to these pop magazines which are already aimed at my audience. I'm going to use coloured boxes to highlight my headings using synergy between my front cover and also add much more information about each page instead of just the name of the artist. I will also advertise my competition and social media links on this page too making it more intriguing for my young audience The contents page below also uses key words like 'PLUS' and 'subscribe today' and these words are very effective as it attracts you to read about it so I'm going to add more key words like 'more', 'plus' and 'exclusive' to make my magazine seem unique and worthy to buy.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Friday, 18 November 2016
Images of Artist-Flickr
I like this picture, I believe it would look effective on my front cover as the star looks very serious and dominant which would link to the title of 'Seriously Seeking New Star'. She looks powerful by looking straight down to the camera and is making eye contact this would intrigue the reader into who this confident new artist is. However, I believe the artist doesn't stand out. All the colours are quite bland and the violin which is the main feature doesn't stand out compared to anything else. If I chose this picture, I would have lighten up certain areas so the star was more lighter than the background.
This picture also shows her powerful stance but this shows her whole body. I like how you can see how her whole outfit as one of the areas I want to reflect is that this artist is a classical artist but is still middle class. I would again have to enhance the colours to be most effective on the front cover.
This picture makes the background look interesting, the way the shot is took from a mid shot you can see a lot of the forest. However, you can still the artists face and violin. Even though she does look happier in this picture which I think is a key feature when intriguing a reader into a new artist, she's not looking into the camera. I think this picture would fit better on a contents page or dps as I think its important to have the artist much closer up and dominant on the front cover.
This image, I want to use on my contents page. Traditionally on a classical music magazine they use images of musical instruments and landscapes as well as artist pictures. I like this picture as you can see both. I would enhance the violin colours so it was much brighter than the urban background.
I think this image shows too much of a soft artist when first looking at the magazine. Even though the colours have synergy between the leaves and violin, the star isn't looking at the camera. I could use this image on my contents and use a statement suggesting she's looking pass the media and focusing on her music.
This picture also shows her powerful stance but this shows her whole body. I like how you can see how her whole outfit as one of the areas I want to reflect is that this artist is a classical artist but is still middle class. I would again have to enhance the colours to be most effective on the front cover.
This picture makes the background look interesting, the way the shot is took from a mid shot you can see a lot of the forest. However, you can still the artists face and violin. Even though she does look happier in this picture which I think is a key feature when intriguing a reader into a new artist, she's not looking into the camera. I think this picture would fit better on a contents page or dps as I think its important to have the artist much closer up and dominant on the front cover.
This image, I want to use on my contents page. Traditionally on a classical music magazine they use images of musical instruments and landscapes as well as artist pictures. I like this picture as you can see both. I would enhance the violin colours so it was much brighter than the urban background.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Photoshoot 1 Reschedule Front Cover
I planned to take my photos of my model for my front cover last night. The location was in a woods which is near my house and all the costume,makeup and equipment was prepared and organised. However, due to traffic my mum who is my model didn't get home for when she expected so if we did take any shots when she got home the lightening of the area wouln't of been bright enough to get any effective shots due it to being the evening. This means I had to rescedule my shoot to the weekend when I can get my shots in the daytime. So till then, I'm going to focus on writing my coverstories for my different pages.
TA Research Analysis-Questions
I asked 5 people in my target audience to answer my questionnaire, I asked 2 boys aged 16 and 17 and 3 girls aged 14,16 and 18,all these people were students of a middle class I used a range of ages to get a different opinion on my magazine and to decide what ages and gender like and dislike specific features. 3 out of the 5 people wrote out there answers and the 2 others filled the questions out online over facebook message. I will collate my answers and improve my magazine to make it more appealing to my target audience.
My first question asked how people consume media, this will give me a idea how most of my target audience read media and too see if people of my age read magazines. I found out that only 2 people mainly consume media by magazines and the others consume it over the internet or using technology like there phone or radio. This suggests that I need my magazine to be very appealing and intriguing so my audience firstly considers to pick it up in a shop and secondly buy it instead of downloading a different one.
My next two questions asked 'If you don't buy magazines, why not?'. The overall answer was that technology is easier,cheaper for someone that doesn't make a lot of money due to my audience still being teenagers. I then asked 'What would persuade them to buy a magazine?'I asked this to make me clear what they want to see on a magazine to consider buying mine. All the 5 people want too see new artists, tour details and gossip or secrets about someone. My magazine uses a interview which will give small details about my artist which I think might attract them into my magazine but I'm going to add a feature advertising a tour on my front cover.
Question 4 asked 'What genre came to mind when seeing my masthead.?'. Everyone said classical so I'm not going to change it in anyway as it must be clear what genre it is and its effective for my magazine.
Question 5 asked 'If my whole front cover is intrigiung?'. Everyone also said yes but two added that the front cover needs more features. I know that magazines aimed at a younger audience uses lots of features as they like too see a lot for what they pay but I think I'm only going to add a couple more because I still want my magazine to look formal and classy. One person did add to the question that the artist needs to make eye contact so I'm going to experiment with different shots at my photoshoot.
The next question I asked is 'What is the first thing you see when looking at my magazine?' Two people said the image, 2 others said the title and the other one said the name. This makes it clear that different people see different things when they first look. I think this is effective as not just one feature stands out but the front cover is still intrigiuing. However, I will experiment with my features on where to place them on my cover and see what looks more effective.
My next questions focus on if my magazine includes enough to make it worthy buying, as my target audience is around 15-20, commonly they don't have a lot money or spare money to spend on a magazine. It's the age when they start getting a job but they may not be willing to pay a high price for a magazine. However, classical magazines are usually priced highly which the stereotypical audience are willing to pay. So I asked if there is enough features on magazine to make them consider to buy it. 2 of the 5 which were the oldest of the group actually said there is enough features to make them look inside and buy it. The rest of the group answered that they would want too see a couple more features just to attract more of the audience and to clearly make them think there getting a good quality magazine and that they should pick it up instead of downloading a different type. Initially I was charging £3.99 for my magazine and most of the group said they're willing to pay that but they also added that they don't think all students would. I might have to consider lowering my price to make it more suitable for all my target audience.
The next question were all answered the same, everyone said yes. The questions were asked 'If the front cover and contents have visual links? If my magazine is intriguing? and If my font is clear and easy to read? So, visually I don't think I'll change my magazine as all ages and gender like it and think its effective for my genre. Also, I then did go onto ask if they liked the black and white theme. I decided to use the black and white as the classical magazine needs to look formal and unique. They all went on to say they liked it and that the theme makes it look classy but also that the highlights of color are effective for younger audience. However, I needed to ask what features I'm missing to give me a idea to what they would want to see to encourage them to buy it. 3 out of the group, wants to see a free CD or poster so I'm going to add a puff of a free CD of my new artist I'm advertising but also a competition to win tour tickets. This will be another reason to attract my young audience into the magazine.
Question 14 was 'If you were to put my magazine back down in the shop, what would be the reason?' They was two answers from all 5 people, 3 of the group said the genre. As classical isn't a common genre of this class and age the magazine would be a challenge to attract them when choosing a magazine. This means I need to make it look up to date and with the trend to attract them in and make it relatable to them. I need to make them aware that this artist is new and brings classical to this age and time. I will have to do this by using bright colour's and slang to which they can relate too.
The last question asked 'What do you like most about my front cover and contents page?' Four people said the font, its representative of my genre and easy to read. The last person said the colour's so I'm not going to change any of these features.
My first question asked how people consume media, this will give me a idea how most of my target audience read media and too see if people of my age read magazines. I found out that only 2 people mainly consume media by magazines and the others consume it over the internet or using technology like there phone or radio. This suggests that I need my magazine to be very appealing and intriguing so my audience firstly considers to pick it up in a shop and secondly buy it instead of downloading a different one.
My next two questions asked 'If you don't buy magazines, why not?'. The overall answer was that technology is easier,cheaper for someone that doesn't make a lot of money due to my audience still being teenagers. I then asked 'What would persuade them to buy a magazine?'I asked this to make me clear what they want to see on a magazine to consider buying mine. All the 5 people want too see new artists, tour details and gossip or secrets about someone. My magazine uses a interview which will give small details about my artist which I think might attract them into my magazine but I'm going to add a feature advertising a tour on my front cover.
Question 4 asked 'What genre came to mind when seeing my masthead.?'. Everyone said classical so I'm not going to change it in anyway as it must be clear what genre it is and its effective for my magazine.
Question 5 asked 'If my whole front cover is intrigiung?'. Everyone also said yes but two added that the front cover needs more features. I know that magazines aimed at a younger audience uses lots of features as they like too see a lot for what they pay but I think I'm only going to add a couple more because I still want my magazine to look formal and classy. One person did add to the question that the artist needs to make eye contact so I'm going to experiment with different shots at my photoshoot.
The next question I asked is 'What is the first thing you see when looking at my magazine?' Two people said the image, 2 others said the title and the other one said the name. This makes it clear that different people see different things when they first look. I think this is effective as not just one feature stands out but the front cover is still intrigiuing. However, I will experiment with my features on where to place them on my cover and see what looks more effective.
My next questions focus on if my magazine includes enough to make it worthy buying, as my target audience is around 15-20, commonly they don't have a lot money or spare money to spend on a magazine. It's the age when they start getting a job but they may not be willing to pay a high price for a magazine. However, classical magazines are usually priced highly which the stereotypical audience are willing to pay. So I asked if there is enough features on magazine to make them consider to buy it. 2 of the 5 which were the oldest of the group actually said there is enough features to make them look inside and buy it. The rest of the group answered that they would want too see a couple more features just to attract more of the audience and to clearly make them think there getting a good quality magazine and that they should pick it up instead of downloading a different type. Initially I was charging £3.99 for my magazine and most of the group said they're willing to pay that but they also added that they don't think all students would. I might have to consider lowering my price to make it more suitable for all my target audience.
The next question were all answered the same, everyone said yes. The questions were asked 'If the front cover and contents have visual links? If my magazine is intriguing? and If my font is clear and easy to read? So, visually I don't think I'll change my magazine as all ages and gender like it and think its effective for my genre. Also, I then did go onto ask if they liked the black and white theme. I decided to use the black and white as the classical magazine needs to look formal and unique. They all went on to say they liked it and that the theme makes it look classy but also that the highlights of color are effective for younger audience. However, I needed to ask what features I'm missing to give me a idea to what they would want to see to encourage them to buy it. 3 out of the group, wants to see a free CD or poster so I'm going to add a puff of a free CD of my new artist I'm advertising but also a competition to win tour tickets. This will be another reason to attract my young audience into the magazine.
Question 14 was 'If you were to put my magazine back down in the shop, what would be the reason?' They was two answers from all 5 people, 3 of the group said the genre. As classical isn't a common genre of this class and age the magazine would be a challenge to attract them when choosing a magazine. This means I need to make it look up to date and with the trend to attract them in and make it relatable to them. I need to make them aware that this artist is new and brings classical to this age and time. I will have to do this by using bright colour's and slang to which they can relate too.
The last question asked 'What do you like most about my front cover and contents page?' Four people said the font, its representative of my genre and easy to read. The last person said the colour's so I'm not going to change any of these features.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Photoshoot Plan 1-Organisation of costumes/makeup and props
I'm doing all my artist's styling, the clothes are representing a typical middle class women. I want this to be clear so the audience feel like the magazine is aimed at them not just high class. As my audience is quite young, I need to follow the key trends of this time so they can relate to this artist more. For this shot, she will be wearing black jeans which will be rolled up at the bottom, trainers and a black vest top. For this specific shoot she will be wearing a long draped coat, which will fit the surrounding and the time of winter when the magazine would be published. She will look less formal than any other artist posing for a classical music magazine who normally wear a very formal outfit.
Her make up needs to be quite bold as the final image will be black and white and as the artist needs to attract the younger audience she needs some bright colours like a bright coloured lipstick. I want to use a dark berry colour or a dark pink, I dont want to use red as this could come across quite promisicous and I dont want that image to come across.
The artist finally will be holding a violin, the violin will be highlighted out of the black and white image so it stands out. This needs to be clear as the artist without the instrument wouldn't give a clear image of the genre as its so unique and challenging most of the conventions which is typically followed.
Her make up needs to be quite bold as the final image will be black and white and as the artist needs to attract the younger audience she needs some bright colours like a bright coloured lipstick. I want to use a dark berry colour or a dark pink, I dont want to use red as this could come across quite promisicous and I dont want that image to come across.
The artist finally will be holding a violin, the violin will be highlighted out of the black and white image so it stands out. This needs to be clear as the artist without the instrument wouldn't give a clear image of the genre as its so unique and challenging most of the conventions which is typically followed.
Photoshoot Plan 1-Organisation of equipment,actors and models
I'm only using one model for my magazine images. All the other images will be of the locations and the props which I will take. Ive asked my model which is my mum if she is willing to be instructured at the shoot about where and how I want her to stand. I will take many photos in different ares using different shots and angles so I can get the best results for my magazine. I'm using a high quality camera with a tripod so I get the best quality. I'm going to get most of my photos throughout this week, the weather wont effect my images as most of my imags will be edited to black and white.
For my front cover the location is the woods near my house, the woods is seperated by three different paths. I'm planning the model to stand in the middle path so the trees are surrounded the outside of the shot on both sides.
For my front cover the location is the woods near my house, the woods is seperated by three different paths. I'm planning the model to stand in the middle path so the trees are surrounded the outside of the shot on both sides.
Photoshoot Plan 1- Front Cover
I've decided for my front cover,I'm going to break conventions from traditional classical music magazines. Typically,the location is an old building or castle but I'm going to use a middle/long shot of the artist in the middle of the woods. The artist will be stood in the middle of the path surrounded by the trees looking away from the camera holding a violin. I've decided to do this as the different location will inrrigue the audience to pick the magazine up of the shelf when they first look at it. After I took the photo I'm going to edit the image to black and white but highlight some features in the image, the colours highlighted will be the same colours I use for my features and text so all the pages have synergy. When I'm at the location I'm going to try different angles to try make it the most effective as I need to make it clear the artist is an older women and that she is in a woods. I will defiantly use a middle or long shot so the audience can see the whole of the artist and location.
I want my picture to be similar to these already taken image, I like how you can see the person's face but I would choose to make the angle see more of the woods.
I want my picture to be similar to these already taken image, I like how you can see the person's face but I would choose to make the angle see more of the woods.
Music Magazines Target Audience Research
This is clearly aimed at a younger audience by the bright colours and crammed page. The page is full to make it look interesting and appealing for the audience as the prefer much more fun activities and pictures to a formal classy magazine. This magazine advertises fashion which is aimed at young girls and posters of artists which girls will be more interested than boys. This is why pink colours are used and more colloquial language is used because they prefer the chatty style of text. This linking to Blumer and Katz theory as the young audience uses the media to fulfil specific gratifications. They buy the magazine to be entertained so the magazine is full of activities and games to fill in. Also the use of identity is very important as the young audience needs to recognise the artists to be interested into reading it.
Whearas, this audience is much more older eg. 25+. Steorotypically classical music magazines are read by the higher class older generation. The magazine is usually more organised and formal to make it more suitable for the audience and the colours are bland and neutral. The model is much more older to be relatable to the audience and they're typically dressed up in formal clothes. This magazines are specifically bought to entertain and inform the audience, linking to Blumer and Katz. As each classical magazine is quite similar they 'compete against each other information sources for viewers gratifications'. The magazine needs to advertise the 'exclusive' information to attract the audience into buying their magazine.
This audience is very specific, people who are interested into rock and heavy style music would be interested into this magazine. The colours follow the rock conventions which the audience will recognise and the artist is normally covered in tattoos. This specific magazine uses explicit image of the artist swearing towards the audience and the cover story uses slang and swearing informal language making it suitable for 18+. Most of the audience will be male as commonly males prefer the hard rock style and don't find things like swearing offensive due them stereotypically being more violent and aggressive.
Whearas, this audience is much more older eg. 25+. Steorotypically classical music magazines are read by the higher class older generation. The magazine is usually more organised and formal to make it more suitable for the audience and the colours are bland and neutral. The model is much more older to be relatable to the audience and they're typically dressed up in formal clothes. This magazines are specifically bought to entertain and inform the audience, linking to Blumer and Katz. As each classical magazine is quite similar they 'compete against each other information sources for viewers gratifications'. The magazine needs to advertise the 'exclusive' information to attract the audience into buying their magazine.
This audience is very specific, people who are interested into rock and heavy style music would be interested into this magazine. The colours follow the rock conventions which the audience will recognise and the artist is normally covered in tattoos. This specific magazine uses explicit image of the artist swearing towards the audience and the cover story uses slang and swearing informal language making it suitable for 18+. Most of the audience will be male as commonly males prefer the hard rock style and don't find things like swearing offensive due them stereotypically being more violent and aggressive.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Target Audience Research-Questions
How do you consume print media?
If you don’t buy or download magazines, why not?
What would encourage you to buy/download a
What genre comes to mind when seeing my
Is my front cover intriguing?
What is the first thing you see when looking at
my front cover?
Is there enough features to make it worthy for
the target audience to buy?
Would you pay £3.99 for this magazine?
Is there any clear visual links between the
front cover and contents page?
Is my magazine suitable and intriguing for my
target audience?
Is my font easy and clear to read?
Do you think the black and white with highlights
of colours throughout the pages work?
What sort of features am I missing?
If you were to put my magazine back down in the
shop, what would be the reason?
What do you like most about my front cover and
Target Audience Research- Slidely
Beth Vannet's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow
Demographic Profiling I want my magazine to focus on attracting older teenagers aged between 16-20 in the local area. My audience is very niche and will probably be popular for teenagers that have an interest and study music at school or college as they will be familiar with the classical genre. However, I'm going to try and grow my audience into more of the general teenagers who these days much prefer the pop and acoustic kind of style magazines. My magazine will defiantly be much more suited for the younger audience than to the stereotypical high class older audience who are suited normally with the classical music magazines. I will add elements to attract and fit the younger audience and I will keep the price low so middle class young adults will be able to afford it and make them believe the magazine is aimed at them. My audience will be more of the population which are willing to improve themselves so they might be interested in finding a new genre of music to listen too. My magazine will be colorful but still classy and have small activities to fit the fun/antics type of group. This all links to 'Barthes theory' of "The audience looks for signs to help them interpret the narrative...these deeply rooted signs are based on expectations the audience has due to their prior knowledge of old tales and myths". This links to that the younger audience will expect the stereotypical castles and high class women on the front of the magazine. Normally, well dressed and formal artists are photographed in front of a posh well kept area with instruments and natural classy colors. Whereas, they will see a middle class women with much more colorful features which they would normally see on a pop magazine. This will intrigue them into the magazine and hopefully be willing to buy it. Psychographic profiling I need my magazine to be a directed through the audience needs and desires, they want to see tour information and gossip about new and common artists of this day. This means I will advertise a new tour of the artist I'm making and have competitions which they can take part in. The four C's The Aspirers and Succeeders will defiantly be most interested in my magazine. As classical is not a genre which is popular for a young audience, its the people which are willing to buy a different magazine then there usual and trust that this style is a new style of classical which will suit them and their taste of music. I will add features which they commonly see on pop and acoustic magazines and add them to my magazine which will intrigue the younger audience. In The LifeMatrix segments my magazine will be suitable for the 'Tribe Wired' kind of people as my magazine includes lots of social media links throughout and links to websites where you can purchase tour tickets. I will also add competitions to win tickets which will attract the 'Fun/Atics' and 'Free Birds'. As I haven't decided a final price my magazine might attract the 'Struggling Singles' which don't have a lot of money so my magazine might be priced quite low to be suitable for this type of person to buy.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Star Image
A classical magazine is aimed at the high class older generation so the magazine has to represent the genre to make it appealing for them. I've found that the star image on the page has minimal make up and styled hair, this gives a classy and natural look to fit the genre. Unlike, a pop magazine which use a dramatic and colorful look to intrigue a much younger audience.
The magazine shown below, the star gives a glowy and natural look. The makeup is nude and the eyes are not bold but still stand out. The lips are highlighted but not in any bright colors which could you distract you from the text. Also a bright lipstick like red symbolizes love which could be used in a vogue magazine to symbolize the vintage style and which was common in that time. The shot is a mid-close shot so you can see the whole of the star's face. You can tell the shot is from a studio and the hair has been styled to give the look that shes dressed up formally to suit the genre. I like the natural and glowy look, it makes the magazine look intriguing and pleasant to read. However, I do need to use some more bright colours to attract the younger audience I want my magazine to appeal too.

This magazine has much more closer shot of the stars face, which gives a much more closer look on to the star's make up. This star uses more bright and bold colours then the other classical magazine. The pink lips and the gold shimmery eye shadow are used to make the women look more formal and dressed up. The gold represents the classy look and the pink links to the highlight of red in the background. I like the touch of colour in this magazine but I would want it too much more bolder and neat.
However, this image was taken from a pop magazine of Adele. The look is styled this way in a studio shot to give a high classy look even though the magazine is normally published for the middle class. The black and white makes the eye liner stand out and give a bold effect but also give the minimal and natural look. I like the use of black and white which would follow my genre but I would consider using highlights of colour which would have synergy between all my pages.

This magazine has much more closer shot of the stars face, which gives a much more closer look on to the star's make up. This star uses more bright and bold colours then the other classical magazine. The pink lips and the gold shimmery eye shadow are used to make the women look more formal and dressed up. The gold represents the classy look and the pink links to the highlight of red in the background. I like the touch of colour in this magazine but I would want it too much more bolder and neat.
However, this image was taken from a pop magazine of Adele. The look is styled this way in a studio shot to give a high classy look even though the magazine is normally published for the middle class. The black and white makes the eye liner stand out and give a bold effect but also give the minimal and natural look. I like the use of black and white which would follow my genre but I would consider using highlights of colour which would have synergy between all my pages.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Locations Used In Existing Magazines
Through research I've found that most magazines use a plain background to fit the image of the artist instead of using a background. As the image of the artist is always a studio shot to get the particular image they want to get across to the audience, the artist is always styled a certain way. Then the background is edited to highlight a key theme or emotion.
For example, this Q magazine the image of the artist takes up the whole page making the background a red/orange colour which is the artists hair. Orange is bright and symbolizes happiness and passion which is what the magazines wants to portray.

Also in a rock magazine a red background is used but this is used to highlight the features on the page. The same red is used to make keywords to stand out but then all the other features are in black and yellow which stands out from the red. Red is a common colour used in rock magazines and the convention is too use one colour background as there magazine is already quite crammed full of features so a one colour background makes it more easier to read.

Normally, the contents also only uses one colour for the background as there is a lot of text on this page so the page needs to be easy to read. Also the page includes a lot of images so the colours cant clash. So the publisher uses synergy between the pages to make a neutral background. However some contents take images of instruments or certain locations to use on that page to link to the articles. The Q magazine has the artist in a rural area and the smaller image it looks like a posh building which will suit the article the image is linked too.
I think I will use a different location for all my images I use, even though a plain background makes it easy to read I believe an interesting background would be more intriguing. Most classical magazines do use a location for the background but you expect to see high class buildings and music styled backgrounds like these shown. I would choose a much more exciting urban and colorful area to take my photos.
For example, this Q magazine the image of the artist takes up the whole page making the background a red/orange colour which is the artists hair. Orange is bright and symbolizes happiness and passion which is what the magazines wants to portray.

Also in a rock magazine a red background is used but this is used to highlight the features on the page. The same red is used to make keywords to stand out but then all the other features are in black and yellow which stands out from the red. Red is a common colour used in rock magazines and the convention is too use one colour background as there magazine is already quite crammed full of features so a one colour background makes it more easier to read.

Normally, the contents also only uses one colour for the background as there is a lot of text on this page so the page needs to be easy to read. Also the page includes a lot of images so the colours cant clash. So the publisher uses synergy between the pages to make a neutral background. However some contents take images of instruments or certain locations to use on that page to link to the articles. The Q magazine has the artist in a rural area and the smaller image it looks like a posh building which will suit the article the image is linked too.
I think I will use a different location for all my images I use, even though a plain background makes it easy to read I believe an interesting background would be more intriguing. Most classical magazines do use a location for the background but you expect to see high class buildings and music styled backgrounds like these shown. I would choose a much more exciting urban and colorful area to take my photos.
Photoshoot Plan
For my photoshoot I'm using my mum as the star, she's familar with the genre and is willing to do it. I'm going to break most of the conventions of the classical music magazine and make the audience believe that the genre isnt only for what is expected. Instead of the high class image the star will be dressed more middle class. She will be wearing, black jeans and a light coloured vest top with some plain trainers. I'm not using any bright coloured clothes as I dont want the background to clash with the image. Most classical music magazines use bland and neutral colours as the magazines are more unique and higher quality, I will use neutral colours around the artist and edit the background to make it more bright and intriging. I will always try and use a middle/long shot so you can see the whole appearance of the star. The backgrounds I think of using is the humber bridge,woods and down a small alley. These places are much more urban then the traditional castles and old buildings you see when looking through a traditional classical magazine. Also all these places are very easy to get too so I can access them at different times of the day to get the best photo I want.
I'm going to follow the convention of the artist holding a instrument in the image. The star will be holding a violin, this will be an effective part of the magazine as the artist alone might not give a clear idea of what the genre is as its so different to what you expect. I will also follow the code of quite neutral make up but I'm going to use a highlight of bright colours around the face eg. eyeshadow and lipstick. The colours I use for this will have synergy around all my other pages. The bright colours I use will make it more appealing for the younger audience I want to target and her hair will be natural and not be styled to follow the middle class and urban appearance.
I'm planning to take a picture of the Humber Brige in the dark with the star holding the violin in a silhoutte form to go across my double-page spread. As the background the will be black and greys I will be able too use gold writing which is a code for classical music magazines. All the other images i take in the different areas, I will experiment with different shots and angles to make the most effective image for my magazine.
I'm going to follow the convention of the artist holding a instrument in the image. The star will be holding a violin, this will be an effective part of the magazine as the artist alone might not give a clear idea of what the genre is as its so different to what you expect. I will also follow the code of quite neutral make up but I'm going to use a highlight of bright colours around the face eg. eyeshadow and lipstick. The colours I use for this will have synergy around all my other pages. The bright colours I use will make it more appealing for the younger audience I want to target and her hair will be natural and not be styled to follow the middle class and urban appearance.
I'm planning to take a picture of the Humber Brige in the dark with the star holding the violin in a silhoutte form to go across my double-page spread. As the background the will be black and greys I will be able too use gold writing which is a code for classical music magazines. All the other images i take in the different areas, I will experiment with different shots and angles to make the most effective image for my magazine.
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Research 3- Contents page Spin June 2008
This is the contents page of the Spin Magazine from July 2008.
The image is of the indie folk band called 'She & Him'. Overall the magazine is organised and has formal register so the audience would be around 18+.The image is in the centre of the page and is the main feature of the whole contents. It is clear the image has been edited and has been taken in a studio as the colour's in the image are a lot more bolder than the background. The image gives quite a quirky look which links to the genre of the artist. Their faces look very pale and flushed,this follows the theme of the black and white colour's but could suggest they're hiding something. You can still tell there making eye contact which is used to intrigue the reader and they have minimal expression to evoke the reader to wonder what they're trying to say as most of the face is covered by the hats. This links to Feuer's theory that 'genre is abstract and becoming harder to identify'. I believe that if you wasn't familiar with the artists or the magazine the image doesn't give a immediate indie folk style. Also, as Spin magazines vary in the genre of there magazines it makes it harder to identify the genre by looking at this front cover and would make the reader have to carry on reading to help there understanding.
This contents follows the conventions of Spin magazines. The five cover story's are located in a column on the left of the page and are all in white to stand out from the grey toned background. There is subheading above all the cover story's to direct the audience. This is in the same bold as all the artists listed below it showing they are the key parts and making it easy to read. Then smaller font is followed after the subheading giving a small insight to what the articles are about inside the magazine. Also, there is leading used to separate each cover story.
red is used as it is a representation of passion and love. The word 'SPIN' links into music as it could be a connotation of a spinning record or CD. The font is in white like all the other font on the page. However kerning is used to make it look bolder and dominant. Underneath the masthead the date is there in the same white small font. The date is conventional as it shows the reader that the issue is up to date, recent and reliable.
The other top corner they're is a pull quote,which is taken from the artist which is in the image. This gives the magazine a unique point and make the magazine feel more direct to the reader as its personal. The purpose is too attract the reader to carry on. The quote is normally a specific one so it is intriguing, this one uses a buzzword like 'luckiest', this makes the reader think why she believes she is the 'luckiest girl' and is clear that you would find out if you carry on reading persuading them to find out the information.
At the bottom of the page there is only one puff, it uses a dark blue which is not as bright at the red in the masthead so its still quite a neutral colour with a subheading 'on the cover' which includes the page number and what features in the magazine.
How research has informed my creativity and planning:
Typically in Spin magazines you can see all the artist and in this particular magazine the publisher wants you to see the stance of the artists. Sitting on the chair together shows the connection between the artists and it gives quite a dominant look as they seem to be looking down to the camera. They are also wearing the same outfit which is quite a formal smart style which links with the organised layout of the page.

The masthead is in the top left corner which very commonly the location in a music magazine which grabs attention immediately at first look.It is big enough to make it look effective but not be distracting. In this contents the masthead is the only feature which has colour. The red and white work together and

- I like the use of grey-toned colours so the masthead stands out the most.
- It needs more connations to the genre on the image so its easier to recognise.
- I like the font of the masthead and how each letter is individually typed and then put together.
Research 3 Double Page Spread Analysis- Kerrang
Friday, 21 October 2016
Research TA-Mastheads
I asked 12 people which masthead from my planning they liked the most and would fit my magazine the most effectively. The most popular font was A. However, i believe this font is too typical for a Classical magazine. As i want to revamp the genre and make it more young and exciting, i think the masthead needs to be a recognisable image from all the other Classical magazines thats its aimed at a younger audience. The other two popular fonts are more unique, there a handwritten font which breaks conventions but still shows the classy feel of the genre. As they're quite simple i would use a bright colour to shows its for the young audience. I prefer font C as its it more flowy and symbolises the scrolls you expect to see on a classical magazine. I think C is the most effective and modern for my magazine.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Final Classical Music Magazine Ideas- Make Up

Codes and Conventions of Classical Music Magazines
The conventions of a classical music magazine is mostly the same in every magazine made by different publishers. Usually, the masthead is 1/6th of the front page often in red,blue, black or white. The colours are normally clean and classy and anything bright like pink are never really used, this is because the audience is much older. Colours I've found quite commonly used is gold and black, these colours together show quite a premium style which fits the high class stereotype.
I'm going to follow the convention of giving my magazine a classy look using neutral colours throughout my magazine and follow the same the colours too my contents and double-page spread. I like the use of black and white which would make it clear its a classical magazine but use hints of bright colours like pink,reds and greens. These bright colours appeal to a younger audience and make it feel suitable for them.
The main feature is the image and normally there is the full photograph of the model in a medium or medium long shot. There is only one image on the front cover and a cover story about the specific artist and the artist is normally dressed up to look high class in gowns and suits. Some magazines use black and white images to give a vintage look but some use colour depending on the background. Sometimes the background is one colour so all the other features stand out but others are scenic. People expect to see old buildings and castles when seeing images connecting to this genre.
I'm going to follow the code of only using one image and using a medium to long shot. I've decided on my front cover the image will be black and white and that i'll have a scenic background. However, to challenge the convention the backgrounds are going to be much more urban and the artist will be dressed very middle class holding a violin which will be still a traditional genre representation.
The front cover is always very organised and have a few features to inform and attract the audience into the magazine. Normal features used are pugs and only ever one puff which is simple and small. One cover story in San Serif font and in a small neutral colour. Throughout there is also little dots,lines and scrolls which immediately tell the audience its a classical magazine and give it a unique touch.
I'm going to follow all the conventions of these features but use much more bigger and colourful font. The puff will be in a shape which you would normally find on a children's magazine.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Research 1- Double Page Spread 'Shovels & Rope'
How research has informed my creativity and planning:
- The drop capitals are effective
- More bright colours to attract the reader
- I like the size of the title and serif font
- I would separate the text into more columns so more appealing to read
Initial Ideas and Creativity post
My final music magazine will focus on the classical genre, I have simply chose this by looking at a range of genre magazines. I much prefer the organised classy look to the crammed and dark colours used in rock magazines. I will create a similar style and follow the same conventions of usual classical and acoustic magazines but I'm going to enhance by adding much more brighter colours to attract a much younger audience and persuade them that classical isn't just for old and the upper class audience which is stereotyped with this genre. My magazine would fit in the gap with the market as no classical magazine in today's society is exciting or intriguing enough for any teenager.
I've decided my star is going to my mum,she is willing to dress up and travel for my photos and she is very familiar with the genre. She has inspired me into this genre and I'm able to get handle of a violin for my photos which is a typical instrument used in this music style so the image will represent the genre but the artist will be unique. I'm going to make her look casual and middle class,wearing jeans and a plain top. She will wear minimal makeup but quite bright so the facial expression is still clear as the shots are going to be taken from a long shot and her hair will be natural. This goes against the conventions of a normal classical artist which is usually dressed posh and upper class. Im going to be creating that 'the star is an image' as my mum will represent the genre but typically she is just a normal middle class women linking to Dyer's theory. My magazine will represent a more up beat classical genre which will attract the younger audience.
I'm thinking to do a lot of scenic backgrounds but totally opposite to what people would expect. Normally classical shots are taken in old fashioned buildings, castles and flower fields. However, I've decided that i will take my pictures in a range of close to long shots of the artist in more urban areas. One place will be the humber bridge,a wide shot of the bridge in the background would be effective to use on a DPS as the image could span across the two pages. I also think I'm going to edit my images to black and white to follow the clean and classy look that is normally portrayed but change the text to much more bright colours to stand out. As the text will be revealing the key information about this new upcoming artist.
I will have synergy from my three pages using the same masthead i create in the top left corner on every page,to make it clear that would be a house style for my magazine. I've thought of using bold and bright text to exaggerate how important this new article is. I could use red to symbolise its a 'warning' to suggest this artist is going to make an impact in todays society. However, i will decide after I've taken my pictures so i know the colours wont clash.
My story will be about this huge new upcoming artist going on a tour. Using buzzwords like exclusive to attract the audience into the unique magazine. I will write the article and tell a story about how this artist is middle class and that she doesn't feel suitable to be interested in this genre. However, the artist is going on tour aimed at a much younger audience which will persuade the audience that they can listen to genre and it be a average genre to listen to in this society.
I'm thinking to do a lot of scenic backgrounds but totally opposite to what people would expect. Normally classical shots are taken in old fashioned buildings, castles and flower fields. However, I've decided that i will take my pictures in a range of close to long shots of the artist in more urban areas. One place will be the humber bridge,a wide shot of the bridge in the background would be effective to use on a DPS as the image could span across the two pages. I also think I'm going to edit my images to black and white to follow the clean and classy look that is normally portrayed but change the text to much more bright colours to stand out. As the text will be revealing the key information about this new upcoming artist.
I will have synergy from my three pages using the same masthead i create in the top left corner on every page,to make it clear that would be a house style for my magazine. I've thought of using bold and bright text to exaggerate how important this new article is. I could use red to symbolise its a 'warning' to suggest this artist is going to make an impact in todays society. However, i will decide after I've taken my pictures so i know the colours wont clash.
My story will be about this huge new upcoming artist going on a tour. Using buzzwords like exclusive to attract the audience into the unique magazine. I will write the article and tell a story about how this artist is middle class and that she doesn't feel suitable to be interested in this genre. However, the artist is going on tour aimed at a much younger audience which will persuade the audience that they can listen to genre and it be a average genre to listen to in this society.
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Research 2-DPS Analysis Rolling Stone Magazine
This is a double page spread from the Rolling Stone Magazine focusing on the popular pop/classical artist Adele. The image follows the conventions of a double page spread. It takes up most of the page and is a close mid shot of the artists face. However commonly the image is on the left side page but this image is on the right. The close shot reflects on the text, on how personal and direct the text is too the audience. The image is a studio shot and they have purposely made Adele look classy and elegant to match her music and the article. Minimal makeup and natural hair to reflect on her true self and the personal story. The black eyeliner symbolizes a vintage and bold look to give a overall polished look.

However,it challenges conventions as there is no eye contact towards the camera which usually intrigues the audience but in this article the most direct part is the text.The article is in black and white to have a classy feel and the artist face is quite promiscous which could attract the male audience which links to Mulvey's theory that states women are viewed for the pleasure of men.
The DPS uses a drop capital at the start of the text.It is considerably larger but the same font is used throughtout. The 'I' is a personal pronoun and is emphasised to make the article more personal. The article is Adele talking about herself which will attract the audience to find out more about this popular artist. Also the drop capital is the start of a quote which indicates its what Adele has said and make the article look exclusive, the quote is normally quite shocking to intrigue the reader to carry on which is a type of The Expose form.
As adele is talking about her self the langage and register is quite casual.The language is informal as slang, swearing and colloqualism is used which goes againest the formal and smart look the article overall portrays. Also as swearing is used in the text the shows the audience will be much older.
Even though the text is the same, the DPS does not use columns which is commonly used to seperate teh story and make it more appealing to read. However, this makes challenges the conventions as the text is written in one singular column. This could symbolise the one big conversation Adele is having. As this is for a older audience,the magazine is made to look mature and unique. So a thin line is used to separate the main article with the lead and a small black box is used at the top of the page. The lead uses a buzzword to intrigue the audience 'biggest' to make the audience believe its unique and worth reading.
The is much bigger font compared to the rest of the text and is in serif font. It gives a antique and vintage look. The word 'triumph' is used and means victory so it suggets the artist is successful and has achieved something and worth reading for. The artists name is also used in the title to immediately indicate who the artist is. Using the artists name in the title is a code for the Rolling Stone double page spreads.
How research has informed my creativity and planning:

However,it challenges conventions as there is no eye contact towards the camera which usually intrigues the audience but in this article the most direct part is the text.The article is in black and white to have a classy feel and the artist face is quite promiscous which could attract the male audience which links to Mulvey's theory that states women are viewed for the pleasure of men.
The DPS uses a drop capital at the start of the text.It is considerably larger but the same font is used throughtout. The 'I' is a personal pronoun and is emphasised to make the article more personal. The article is Adele talking about herself which will attract the audience to find out more about this popular artist. Also the drop capital is the start of a quote which indicates its what Adele has said and make the article look exclusive, the quote is normally quite shocking to intrigue the reader to carry on which is a type of The Expose form.

How research has informed my creativity and planning:
- The text font and size is effective and clear
- The drop capital is effective
- I like the natural look
- More unique symbols and pugs
Monday, 10 October 2016
Research 4- Front Cover of Classical Music Magazine 2012
Friday, 7 October 2016
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