This is the contents page of the Spin Magazine from July 2008.

The image is of the indie folk band called 'She & Him'. Overall the magazine is organised and has formal register so the audience would be around 18+.The image is in the centre of the page and is the main feature of the whole contents. It is clear the image has been edited and has been taken in a studio as the colour's in the image are a lot more bolder than the background. The image gives quite a quirky look which links to the genre of the artist. Their faces look very pale and flushed,this follows the theme of the black and white colour's but could suggest they're hiding something. You can still tell there making eye contact which is used to intrigue the reader and they have minimal expression to evoke the reader to wonder what they're trying to say as most of the face is covered by the hats. This links to Feuer's theory that 'genre is abstract and becoming harder to identify'. I believe that if you wasn't familiar with the artists or the magazine the image doesn't give a immediate indie folk style. Also, as Spin magazines vary in the genre of there magazines it makes it harder to identify the genre by looking at this front cover and would make the reader have to carry on reading to help there understanding.
Typically in Spin magazines you can see all the artist and in this particular magazine the publisher wants you to see the stance of the artists. Sitting on the chair together shows the connection between the artists and it gives quite a dominant look as they seem to be looking down to the camera. They are also wearing the same outfit which is quite a formal smart style which links with the organised layout of the page.

This contents follows the conventions of Spin magazines. The five cover story's are located in a column on the left of the page and are all in white to stand out from the grey toned background. There is subheading above all the cover story's to direct the audience. This is in the same bold as all the artists listed below it showing they are the key parts and making it easy to read. Then smaller font is followed after the subheading giving a small insight to what the articles are about inside the magazine. Also, there is leading used to separate each cover story.
The masthead is in the top left corner which very commonly the location in a music magazine which grabs attention immediately at first look.It is big enough to make it look effective but not be distracting. In this contents the masthead is the only feature which has colour. The red and white work together and

red is used as it is a representation of passion and love. The word 'SPIN' links into music as it could be a connotation of a spinning record or CD. The font is in white like all the other font on the page. However kerning is used to make it look bolder and dominant. Underneath the masthead the date is there in the same white small font. The date is conventional as it shows the reader that the issue is up to date, recent and reliable.

The other top corner they're is a pull quote,which is taken from the artist which is in the image. This gives the magazine a unique point and make the magazine feel more direct to the reader as its personal. The purpose is too attract the reader to carry on. The quote is normally a specific one so it is intriguing, this one uses a buzzword like 'luckiest', this makes the reader think why she believes she is the 'luckiest girl' and is clear that you would find out if you carry on reading persuading them to find out the information.

At the bottom of the page there is only one puff, it uses a dark blue which is not as bright at the red in the masthead so its still quite a neutral colour with a subheading 'on the cover' which includes the page number and what features in the magazine.
How research has informed my creativity and planning:
- I like the use of grey-toned colours so the masthead stands out the most.
- It needs more connations to the genre on the image so its easier to recognise.
- I like the font of the masthead and how each letter is individually typed and then put together.
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