I asked 5 people in my target audience to answer my questionnaire, I asked 2 boys aged 16 and 17 and 3 girls aged 14,16 and 18,all these people were students of a middle class I used a range of ages to get a different opinion on my magazine and to decide what ages and gender like and dislike specific features. 3 out of the 5 people wrote out there answers and the 2 others filled the questions out online over facebook message. I will collate my answers and improve my magazine to make it more appealing to my target audience.
My first question asked how people consume media, this will give me a idea how most of my target audience read media and too see if people of my age read magazines. I found out that only 2 people mainly consume media by magazines and the others consume it over the internet or using technology like there phone or radio. This suggests that I need my magazine to be very appealing and intriguing so my audience firstly considers to pick it up in a shop and secondly buy it instead of downloading a different one.
My next two questions asked 'If you don't buy magazines, why not?'. The overall answer was that technology is easier,cheaper for someone that doesn't make a lot of money due to my audience still being teenagers. I then asked 'What would persuade them to buy a magazine?'I asked this to make me clear what they want to see on a magazine to consider buying mine. All the 5 people want too see new artists, tour details and gossip or secrets about someone. My magazine uses a interview which will give small details about my artist which I think might attract them into my magazine but I'm going to add a feature advertising a tour on my front cover.
Question 4 asked 'What genre came to mind when seeing my masthead.?'. Everyone said classical so I'm not going to change it in anyway as it must be clear what genre it is and its effective for my magazine.
Question 5 asked 'If my whole front cover is intrigiung?'. Everyone also said yes but two added that the front cover needs more features. I know that magazines aimed at a younger audience uses lots of features as they like too see a lot for what they pay but I think I'm only going to add a couple more because I still want my magazine to look formal and classy. One person did add to the question that the artist needs to make eye contact so I'm going to experiment with different shots at my photoshoot.
The next question I asked is 'What is the first thing you see when looking at my magazine?' Two people said the image, 2 others said the title and the other one said the name. This makes it clear that different people see different things when they first look. I think this is effective as not just one feature stands out but the front cover is still intrigiuing. However, I will experiment with my features on where to place them on my cover and see what looks more effective.
My next questions focus on if my magazine includes enough to make it worthy buying, as my target audience is around 15-20, commonly they don't have a lot money or spare money to spend on a magazine. It's the age when they start getting a job but they may not be willing to pay a high price for a magazine. However, classical magazines are usually priced highly which the stereotypical audience are willing to pay. So I asked if there is enough features on magazine to make them consider to buy it. 2 of the 5 which were the oldest of the group actually said there is enough features to make them look inside and buy it. The rest of the group answered that they would want too see a couple more features just to attract more of the audience and to clearly make them think there getting a good quality magazine and that they should pick it up instead of downloading a different type. Initially I was charging £3.99 for my magazine and most of the group said they're willing to pay that but they also added that they don't think all students would. I might have to consider lowering my price to make it more suitable for all my target audience.
The next question were all answered the same, everyone said yes. The questions were asked 'If the front cover and contents have visual links? If my magazine is intriguing? and If my font is clear and easy to read? So, visually I don't think I'll change my magazine as all ages and gender like it and think its effective for my genre. Also, I then did go onto ask if they liked the black and white theme. I decided to use the black and white as the classical magazine needs to look formal and unique. They all went on to say they liked it and that the theme makes it look classy but also that the highlights of color are effective for younger audience. However, I needed to ask what features I'm missing to give me a idea to what they would want to see to encourage them to buy it. 3 out of the group, wants to see a free CD or poster so I'm going to add a puff of a free CD of my new artist I'm advertising but also a competition to win tour tickets. This will be another reason to attract my young audience into the magazine.
Question 14 was 'If you were to put my magazine back down in the shop, what would be the reason?' They was two answers from all 5 people, 3 of the group said the genre. As classical isn't a common genre of this class and age the magazine would be a challenge to attract them when choosing a magazine. This means I need to make it look up to date and with the trend to attract them in and make it relatable to them. I need to make them aware that this artist is new and brings classical to this age and time. I will have to do this by using bright colour's and slang to which they can relate too.
The last question asked 'What do you like most about my front cover and contents page?' Four people said the font, its representative of my genre and easy to read. The last person said the colour's so I'm not going to change any of these features.
An excellent level 4 analysis and evaluation- i think this will really help you to ensure all your pages meet your Ta. I really like the idea of a puff with a free cd; you could also consider using ticket master? Perhaps that would add to the idea of tours and gigs. Well done. If you have time - it would be great to see some of this in the form of pie charts? It would make the findings visually quicker to see.