Monday, 14 November 2016

Target Audience Research-Questions


1.       How do you consume print media?




2.       If you don’t buy or download magazines, why not?


3.       What would encourage you to buy/download a magazine?



4.       What genre comes to mind when seeing my masthead?



5.       Is my front cover intriguing?




6.       What is the first thing you see when looking at my front cover?



7.       Is there enough features to make it worthy for the target audience to buy?



8.       Would you pay £3.99 for this magazine?




9.       Is there any clear visual links between the front cover and contents page?



10.   Is my magazine suitable and intriguing for my target audience?



11.   Is my font easy and clear to read?


12.   Do you think the black and white with highlights of colours throughout the pages work?



13.   What sort of features am I missing?



14.   If you were to put my magazine back down in the shop, what would be the reason?





15.   What do you like most about my front cover and contents?

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