This is another Q magazine, it has the same masthead as its a house style for them. The same red and white Q is used to represent there company and is a code for them. However in this magazine the masthead is one of the boldest items on the front cover. It takes up a quarter of the page and highlights the red writing as the font is in the same red where as all the main image colour's are grey and black tones. Compared to the red the grey's are neutral and look quite serious where the red is eye catching to certain areas.

giving anything away but the article will tell you what's he was hiding.

There is a banner at the top using white and serif font with a black background. This is used to be clear from far away and persuade the audience to buy the 'biggest' magazine in the UK. The right side is used for cover story's in white writing with red lines separating the different story's. The red and white texts suggest the articles are quite serious and deep and the publisher has put the important text in serif to make the text bolder then the rest of the text. The left side has a puff 'C.S.I Rocks' which is little bit of information in a border to stand out. Even though the magazine is focussed on pop artist it shows the magazine inside offers different genres like rock too.

How research has informed my creativity and planning:
- I like the grey toned colour's to highlight the main elements with a red.
- I really like the red lines which separates the cover story's and makes it more intriguing as it looks less text.
- I would make the title much bigger and bolder and easier to read from a far.
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